

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 29 - How much does this guy weigh?

I woke up with a cold...  I was all ready to move forward on this journey and tackle my eating issues head on, not "stuffy" head on.  I guess I'm going to do it whether I can breath or not.  Oh well.  Does anyone know how much mucus weighs?  I have to weigh in Wednesday at work for my 30-day update and I know this guy is going to bring some friends and not to be mean but he looks a little

Seriously, the cold  is inconvenient.  No exercise today and most likely the next couple.  That means I have to really hold the calories down and keep busy or unconscious.  When I get bored I gravitate towards the kitchen.  I just spent an hour redesigning my blog and adding another widget and a new progress page and  now I'm going to remote into work and then maybe a nap?  Hope everyone is doing well and breathing freely.  Fight the good  fight!


  1. The most important thing is to get well. Your weight will be waiting for you to kick its large butt to the curb when you do. Random fact: sucking in your tummy for ten seconds = 1 situp. So, if you do nothing but sit and watch soap operas and flex your abs for the next few days, you'll have at least done something? ;-) Feel better!

  2. First off... The blog looks great!! :)

    Secondly... I just got done posting about how when I dont feel good I feel sorry for myself and when I feel sorry for myself I eat. Here's hoping you have more willpower than I. :)

    Feel better! I know you can do it!!!

  3. Drink more water! Fluids help thin the mucous and makes it easier for you to get it out! Good luck at the weigh in...if all else fails just weigh naked :-p
