

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 20 - Turnips, Turkey Burgers and Zumba...Oh My!

What do turnips, turkey burgers and zumba have in common?  Three things I tried that were "new" to me and I loved them all!  I really think I need to break out of my routines, both personal routines and food routines.  It's easy to get in a rut. 

With my discovery of making vegetable soup, I tried turnips and liked them.  Who knew??    Then with my friend Julie in town helping me with improving my cooking skills, we made turkey burgers that were delish!  My normal turkey burger is a frozen patty. Boring!  For this we used fresh ground turkey and added chopped up onions, bell pepper and garlic, mustard and A1 and cooked them on the grill and they were so yummy!!   Then on Thursday night, Julie went with me to my gym for a Zumba class.  I have done the zumba dvd's at home and I've been wanting to go to a class for so long but was too worried I would be the biggest one in the class and just embarrass myself.  I did well!  There were at least 70 people in there and nobody cared what anyone else was doing, we were all too busy just trying to keep up.  And it was so fun!  No guess as to where I'll be next Thursday night at 9...ZUMBA!!!

Julie and I were discussing the definition of insanity, you've all heard it, that it's doing the same thing over and  over but expecting a different result.   I just keep on doing/eating the same things over and over but expecting the scale to show me a different result.   Until now.....   

I'll check in again Monday with my weekly weigh in, I'm feeling really good about this week.

Happy weekend!  :)


  1. Good for you!! I too have tried some new food this week and found that most of it was great!! Just like the couscous!!! :) keep up the good work!

  2. I always eat the same things over and over again. I tell myself that i'm not eating "diet" food, and that I just tend to eat the same things over and over even if i'm not on a diet, but honestly I would really like to do a recipe exchange if you're interested!

  3. Hi Stacey!
    I just found your blog! I love it!!
    I am just starting out on my own weight loss journey.. and I am hoping that blogging about it will help to keep me focused. :)
    I look forward to following your blog!
