

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 12 - What the hell happened to day 11??

Wow, this is really testing my...I don't know, I don't even know what it's testing, my fortitude?  Commitment?  Dedication?    I'm in a weird place right now.  Yesterday clocked an 11 on the 1-10 stress meter at work.  I ate bad, I felt my stomach knotting up and keep getting headaches and then after work was so burnt out, just wanted to hide and didn't work out!  I also didn't check in here and seriously considered just getting rid of the whole thing.  I even had myself convinced it would be a better use of time to exercise for 15 minutes a night instead of typing my blog entry o' the day.  Like I would do that right before bed.  Delusional...this is not good!

So today I read some more, I'm always inspired by other bloggers.  I went shopping so I have good stuff in the house.  Drank a LOT of water today so am feeling good about that.  It's a little after 9 and I have a full day tomorrow including step class at noon so that'll be good for me.  Tomorrow afternoon I'll make more soup for next week and I'm also going to try and roast a chicken so..pray for me on that one.  I'm determined to conquer cooking this year with my many other goals.  I'm drinking something called Sassy Water that I found on a site.  It's part of the kick off for the belly fat diet and although I'm not doing that, it sounded interesting so I tried it and like it.  You take 8 cups of water and add 1 lemon sliced thin, 1/2 cucumber sliced thin, 12 spearmint leaves and 1 tsp grated ginger and combine them all in a pitcher and then drink!  Each ingredient does something specific but the only one I can remember now is the ginger helps sooth your intestinal track.  Even if it didn't do anything, I really like the taste and that will help me get the water down.  My goal is 80 oz and I've yet to make it these last two weeks.

Ok, so I'm back in it.  I'm embarrassed I'm faltering so quickly.  I thought I'd go at it like gangbusters but that doesn't seem to be the case.  Going to try and stick to veggies/veggie soup and sassy water for the weekend, get cleaned out a little and do some serious cardio!  My poor body, it doesn't deserve what I do to it.

I can do anything for 90 days!


  1. Please don't stop, don't give up. Just keep taking little steps at a time. Don't think you have to do everything at once. If you don't get a blog done one day, so what. Its not a big deal, its not going to kill you or me (lets say the reader). If you are to tired or stressed take the time for yourself.
    Keep up the good work. I am here with ya, and know how hard it is!

  2. Hang in there!!! You can do it. I found your blog from Skinny Hollie. I just started mine also, it's check it. Although I've only been doing this for a little over a wk, the "bloggers" are so motivating......We can do anything we set our minds to!!! Hang in there!

  3. don't stop trying!

    - Lisa

  4. Sometimes i think that when you eat badly it makes your body feel even more stressed - but its hard to eat well when you are feeling under pressure!

