

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Prepping the night before and my newfound mantra

So before I do anything else, I'm gonna pre-apologize now for how many times I'm going to write the phrase "I can do anything for 90 days" here.  It's my new mantra and maybe I won't need it the whole 3 months but I'm going to use the hell out of it at the start!

I have been working for about 3 hours tonight trying to get ready for the next 4 days.  I work 4, 10-hour shifts so prepping my food is vital as I'm going to do away with fast food.  I have to remember how fast it sticks to my butt and hips!!   I also need to get a game plan going for workouts and that was another portion of tonight's festivities.   Exhibit #1...The Ball:
This took about an hour between finding it and blowing the darn thing up.  THAT was the tricky part.  It came with a foot pump that at it's best, and I counted after awhile, allowed me 19 pumps before blowing the connector attachment out.  So this was not only exercise in the truest sense of the word (lots of leg action and for a short time, a little "we must, we must, we must improve our bust" arm/chest action) it was certainly an exercise in patience as well.  However, I did persevere and was able to add The Ball to the arsenal of weight loss products at my disposal as seen here:

Years of accumulation, including a free treadclimber someone gave me just to get it out of their house!!  I need to remember what a blessing it is that I have these tools so readily available as they allow me flexibility to meet one of my Top Ten Plan of Attack strategies of exercising every day.  I take Step and Body Pump classes at the gym but that's not something I do every day of the week.  There is no excuse to not get an hour of movement in each day.  I have dvds for pilates, the exercise ball and yoga in addition to Zumba and dance cardio and the step.  Lots to excuses...

Well, just a few more things to finish off tonight and then it's off to Bedfordshire. Sleep is an important component of weight loss and one I'm very good at naturally!  I will take my measurements tomorrow morning, I have my Monday weigh in with the wellness coach at work (impedance scale) and then tomorrow night, I'll go to the gym and hop on the treadmill to see how far I can run.  Those activities will give me the numbers I need to post here tomorrow night for my "starting" numbers.  I won't be posting every day but I will be back tomorrow to post those numbers and check in officially as Day One.  I'm actually kind of excited, a little scared, but excited.

And as we've already discussed, I can do anything for 90 days!  :)

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