

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 49 - My "Window"

I have a tendency to nickname car (Fred), my laptop (DELLbert), my friends (Jules, LBA, Chica, Principessa), my cat (Meow Bucket, Boo Boo) etc..  For quite some time now, I've had a nickname for a 6-pound weight range that I seem to get stuck in....The Window <queue woman shrieking here> dun dun DUN!!!    Until I my unfortunate 12-pound gain of Holiday Love, it would seem that if I worked really really hard, ate well, worked out etc., that I could get to 188.  If I skipped some workouts, had a couple extra snacks or went balls out one weekend, it would creep to 193 and no higher.  

So right now, I'm sitting at 188 as of last Monday's weigh in.  Although I was super happy to see any number in the 180's, now that I've had almost a week for it to sink in, I'm actually a little freaked out about tomorrow's weigh in.  Truly freaked out!  Like freaked out enough that I think I might skip the weigh in tomorrow completely.  Sounds like a chickeny thing to do but here's my rationale:  Bad numbers suck life from motivation!   One of my fellow bloggers, Shan, is experiencing this right now and I truly feel for her...I know the pain well and the mental challenges that go with it.

What if I waited another week to weigh?  Pushed super hard.  I mean working out daily for one more week, continuing to eat right, lots of water and tea etc?? Journal, journal, journal??  Focus all week on this one goal.  I would HAVE to be out of The Window by then right??

What would you do?

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